Our Mission is Empowering Change through One - Time Donations to Cause

Do not just donate to a cause, donate to one designed to teach how to fish not give the fish always. With all the technology out there, there is no excuse that we cannot solve the issues we face today with one time donations to cause goals. This is what the vision with Mall of Hope is. Taking and funding a cause one time with intent to solve that problem or crisis long term. Where each solution is aimed towards self sufficient management without needing donations to go forward after setup.

A Little Information on Non-Profits

What is a 501c3 Non-Profit

If you intend to donate or help in any way with a nonprofit, your first step is to make sure it is trustworthy. It must have a 501c3 nonprofit status and proof that the IRS recognizes its legitimacy. The money you donate is tax-deductible, while supporting a mission near and dear to your heart.

After all, what can compare with knowing you have helped a worthy cause? We only live once, so let us strive to make the most of it by appreciating the good things we have, while making the world a better place we can share with those around us.

What are the Regulations on Funds Distribution

Most Nonprofits utilize a minimum of donations to the actual cause- in many cases as low as 35%. This is a major issue because numerous Non-Profits take the funds that should be going to their causes and distribute them to pay huge amounts to the head of the organization, or overspend on unnecessary items. This depletes funds needed for overhead without solving the actual problems.

Welcome to Mall of Hope

We Are a Non-Profit in New Jersey

You are important to us, and we are dedicated to improving the world around you. There are times when it takes reinventing the wheel to create something unique and especially suited to its cause. For too many years we have witnessed nonprofits that have high amounts of administrative costs. We wish to focus on solving issues facing today’s society in a truly dynamic and revolutionary way. For too many years we have witnessed nonprofits with high administrative costs. Our goal is to limit our administrative costs within a 10% budget, while 90% of donations will be distributed among worthwhile causes. To learn more about how we plan to do this, check out ‘About Us’ and our other initiatives pages. Some of our reasons for the development of our Non-Profit are as follows;

Gem Running Icon We believe there are better ways to manage a Non-Profit than those causes to which we have been invited to donate.
Gem Running Icon We believe that a nonprofit should not call every year for donations. A one time call per phone number is enough every 5 years unless otherwise requested.
Gem Running IconWe believe that a non- profit has the capacity to impact change without needing to call more than once.
Gem Running IconWe will send requests once a year to previous donors who have pledged to donate in the future. Of course, we welcome receiving deductible donations more than once a year.
Gem Running Icon We believe non profits should only take checks or money orders in mail donations. Cash is acceptable only in person. A receipt will be given in most cases. Please do not wire money directly to us. It is acceptable to use PayPal for donations; this will help keep track of all donations better and make it easier when you file your taxes for all your tax deductibles. However, please understand that there are restrictions on amounts that can be actually tax deductions. Please Consult a Professional.

2021 Planned Initiatives

Our planned initiatives are meant to benefit both the economy and the environment. Your assistance will enable our plans to create a truly dynamic nonprofit. Issues that have been tossed around for generations will be dealt with more successfully than we have thought possible up to now. Previously, we have thought of issues as something we could focus on one by one. But we have found that it doesn’t work that way.

We have created this nonprofit in order to lead by example. It is an example of the proper way to run an effective nonprofit, which has been designed both for the environment and the people who live in it. With your help we can bring all this to light and create very unusual opportunities. Our initiatives began on August 14th, 2019, when we finally got our 501c3 status. However, due to the coronavirus we had to put everything on hold and are only now moving ahead. Our set of initiatives are as follows;

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